Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Relativitas Einstein yang di GALAU-kan


Experiments Disprove Relativity

The primary assumption of Einstein’s Special Relativity is that light approaches all observers at a constant velocity regardless of the observer speeds or directions. To test this theory, 100 years ago, and many times since, scientists have compared the velocity of light coming from the direction that the Earth orbits the Sun (30km/second) with the velocity of light coming from the opposite direction. While the speed should be 30 km/sec faster in the direction of the orbit and 30 km/sec slower in the opposite direction, they found that the speed only varied by about 8 km/sec and this difference was not in the direction of the Earth orbit. The small speed difference in the wrong direction led scientists to assume they were only seeing noise in the experiment apparatus, so they rounded the results to zero km/sec and pronounced Einstein correct that light has only one speed for observers with different velocities.

More recently, scientists have discovered the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR), which comes from all directions, but 365 km/sec faster in the direction of the constellation Leo at 11 hours sidereal time. If light is carried by an “aether” that adds to its velocity, the Earth must be moving through the aether toward Leo at 365 km/sec. However, the aether would be a gas that compresses in Earth gravity, just like air, slowing the ether speed seen on the Earth surface to much less than 365 km/sec, and slowing the Earth orbit velocity far below 30 km/sec, as experiments demonstrate.

The detailed data in all the experiments that are believed to prove Relativity show undeniably that the 8 km/sec measured in the experiments moves in the direction of the constellation Leo, the CMBR direction. This can only mean that light is carried by an aether through which the Earth moves, disproving Special Relativity. More details and many other experiments disproving Relativity are in the book on the first 33 pages of Chapter 4.

Is it correct ?

Selasa, 19 Maret 2013

Kisi-Kisi UTS Genap Kelas 8

                  Kalau untuk para kakak kelas.... ini nieh Kisi-kisi yang sudah kalian tunggu-tunggu, dinanti kian kemari. silahkan di unduh aja ya ,, gratizzzzzz.
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Kisi-Kisi UTS Genap Kelas 7

               Seperti Biasa para siswa yang budiman ,,, menjelang UTS Genap Tahun pelajaran 2012/2013 ini Pak Ferry Imoet bakalan bocorin sedikit banyak soal yang bakalan keluar nanti. Nah modul itu biasa kita sebut dengan kisi-kisi. untuk itu Mr. Imoet mengupload kisi-kisi UTS Genap ini dengan tujuan diharapkan Para siswa dapat blajar dengan terarah dan mendapatkan nilai yang paling maksimal..... (semoga itu terwujud)  ^_^
                Ok ! Caranya mudah kok kalian tinggal mendownload ajah file tersebut di bawah text ini....
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Salam manis untuk kalian

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         Atau bisa juga Di     ==>            Kisi-kisi Kelas 7                                   (Ziddu)

Selamat mencoba and GOOD LUCK

Rabu, 06 Maret 2013


Ujian Praktek - Full Project bagi siswa-siswi SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 1 SUMBERREJO, dapat di akses dan di download di link ini. silahkan mencoba .... Good luck !!!

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